Monthly Archives: November 2011

Early Bird

I read a book called “The Early Bird gets the Worm, but the Second Mouse gets the Cheese”. It was written by Francis Kong.

The book consists of different short stories about how we see life. At the end of the day, it still rests on how we perceive life.

Speaking of, it’s two days in a row being too early at the office. I went out before 5pm yesterday. Why?? Because I just want to.. hahaha.

But seriously, I am currently working on my “Effectivity Meter”. It’s not to disqualify myself being ineffective for the entire working life, what I’m saying is that, as we move along life we will surely find ways to make things better.

Will keep you posted what happens : )

Talk to you soon!

New Day

I’ve been too pre-occupied for the past couple of weeks. Management Team will be coming over our country for the annual management conference.

I am of high hopes that all will be great for the future here at work : )

Bless you : )